We protect the human rights of our content performers and viewers.
We do not sell content that promotes or encourages child pornography (CSAM), incest, bestiality, non-consensual sexual activity, mutilation, trafficking, sex trafficking, or abuse.
We do not sell content to persons under the age of 18 (minors) or to performers without their consent.
Complaint Policy
We will promptly investigate any complaints from third parties, including consumers, child protection and human rights organizations (whether individual or corporate, domestic or international), about content that may be in violation of our policies. If, as a result of the investigation, we or the relevant organization determines that the content is in violation of our policies, we will immediately remove the content in question.
If we receive a claim from a performer that he or she does not consent to appear in or distribute content, we will take steps to prevent viewing or purchasing of the content until we can confirm the consent status. If consent cannot be verified, or if the performer of the content can prove that consent is invalid under applicable law, the content will be removed immediately.
The contact information for complaints is as follows