Privacy policy

To ensure the appropriate handling of personal information, Nudefusion establishes the following Privacy Policy as an organization's commitment.

1. Compliance with Relevant Laws and Guidelines

Nudefusion will comply with the Personal Information Protection Act and other relevant laws, as well as guidelines from the Personal Information Protection Commission and other authorities, to ensure the appropriate handling of personal information.

2. Personal information

Personal information" refers to information about an individual that can identify that individual, including but not limited to names, email addresses, and other descriptors. Even if such information alone cannot identify an individual, if it can be easily matched with other information to identify that individual, it is also considered personal information.

3. Collection and Use of Personal Information

When Nudefusion acquires personal information, it will disclose or notify the purpose of use. Additionally, when obtaining personal information directly from the individual, such as through contracts or other documents (including electronic records), Nudefusion will clarify the purpose of use in advance and acquire it through lawful and fair means. Nudefusion will appropriately use the acquired personal information within the scope of the following purposes.

4. Purposes of Use of Personal Information

Nudefusion will use personal information for the following purposes. Additionally, Nudefusion may obtain information such as cookies, IP addresses, advertising identifiers, device identifiers, and browsing history from third parties other than Nudefusion, and use it for the following purposes after associating it with customer personal information.

(1)Purposes of Using Personal Information about Customers

For customer identity verification and authentication

For accepting, providing, and contacting regarding Nudefusion services and applications.

For providing information, organizing, managing various events and campaigns, and conducting surveys.

For responding to customer inquiries, consultations, complaints, repairs, support, confirmation, and record-keeping.

For the improvement and enhancement of Nudefusion's development and other services.

For enhancing and improving the customer experience in Nudefusion's digital services (such as websites).

For providing information such as newsletters, direct mail, notifications, advertisements, etc., related to Nudefusion services.

※1 Delivery of behavior-targeted advertisements using advertising distributors such as Google and Yahoo.

To analyze acquired browsing history, application history, etc., and deliver advertisements for new products or services based on customer interests and preferences.

※2 To prevent, investigate, and appropriately address prohibited activities or activities that may pose a risk of violating the terms of service related to this service.

For any other matters related to or associated with all the aforementioned items.

※3 Please refer to section 13, 'Use of Cookies and Other Technologies,' below.

(2)Purposes of using personal information of Nudefusion's business partners, contractors, and other affiliates

For necessary business communications, contract fulfillment, negotiations

For the management of partner information.

5. Third-party provision of personal information

Nudefusion may provide personal information to third parties such as advertising platforms. When providing the above information, if it is anticipated that the third party will obtain the aforementioned personal information as individual data by matching it with information that identifies you as the customer, Nudefusion will provide the information while fulfilling the obligations required by the Personal Information Protection Act. Additionally, by agreeing to this Privacy Policy and using this service, you consent to the third party obtaining your personal information as individual data.

6. The methods for individuals to request disclosure, deletion, erasure, and suspension of use regarding personal information

When Nudefusion receives requests for disclosure, deletion, erasure, or suspension of use of personal information, it will promptly respond after confirming the identity of the individual through prescribed procedures. If you have any questions regarding this Privacy Policy or if you wish to exercise your rights, please contact the inquiry desk in section 12 below.

7. Security measures

To prevent leakage, loss, or damage of personal information and to securely manage personal information, Nudefusion implements security measures in an appropriate and reasonable manner as outlined below.

Establishment of basic policies

To ensure the appropriate handling of personal information, we have established basic policies on information security, including personal information, in addition to our privacy policy.

Organizational security measures

We regularly review the handling of personal information and, based on the results of these reviews, revise rules and provide guidance as necessary. Additionally, we have established guidelines for responding to incidents such as leaks of personal information.

Human security measures

We regularly conduct internal education, such as training on information security, including personal information, to raise awareness and promote understanding among employees about the protection of personal information.

Technical security measures

We have implemented mechanisms to protect information systems handling personal information from unauthorized access from external sources and from malicious software.

8. Supervision of employees and contractors

At Nudefusion, we regularly conduct internal education and training on security and the protection of personal information to enhance awareness and promote understanding among employees. Additionally, Nudefusion may outsource all or part of the handling of personal information for various tasks. In such cases, Nudefusion selects entities deemed capable of handling personal information appropriately and establishes proper terms in outsourcing contracts regarding security measures, confidentiality, conditions for subcontracting, and other matters related to the handling of personal information, and ensures necessary and appropriate supervision.

9. Security measures

Nudefusion takes reasonable preventive measures to protect acquired personal information both online and offline. We employ technologies such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and SSL to ensure the latest precautions in handling personal information. Additionally, access is restricted to authorized personnel only, as required for business purposes.

10. Unauthorized use for purposes other than intended

Nudefusion will not use customers' personal information beyond the scope of purposes stated in the privacy policy at the time of acquisition without the customer's consent. However, this does not apply if it falls under the circumstances recognized by the Personal Information Protection Law.

11. Use of Cookies and Other Technologies

(1) Use of Cookies: On our website, for the purpose of measuring the effectiveness of advertisements, we may collect information from tools operated by third parties regarding advertisements clicked before visiting our site (such as the date of the click and the advertising site), and match it with application information. Additionally, we may use information such as hobbies, preferences, and browsing history obtained from third parties other than Nudefusion by linking it with personal information of customers already held by Nudefusion. In this case, we will obtain prior consent from customers and use it within the scope of purposes listed in section 4, 'Purposes of Use of Personal Information.

(2) Classification of Cookies

Cookies are classified into the following categories:

Essential Cookies

Statistical Cookies

Marketing Cookies

Essential Cookies are necessary for the website to function properly, and the user's system cannot turn off the switch. While it is possible to block these cookies, it may result in some parts of the website not functioning properly. Additionally, Essential Cookies do not store any information that can identify individuals.Statistical Cookies use Google Analytics, a service provided by Google, to understand the visitation status of Nudefusion's website. When Google Analytics is used on Nudefusion's website, Google collects, records, and analyzes the visitation history of the Nudefusion website based on cookies issued by Nudefusion. Nudefusion receives the analysis results from Google to understand the visitation status of the Nudefusion website. The information collected, recorded, and analyzed by Google Analytics does not include any information that identifies specific individuals. Furthermore, this information is managed by Google according to its privacy policy.

12. Inquiries

Please contact the following contact information for inquiries regarding requests for disclosure, opinions, questions, complaints, and other inquiries related to the handling of personal information.

13. Continuous Improvement

Nudefusion periodically reviews the operational status regarding the handling of personal information and strives for continuous improvement. If necessary, Nudefusion may change this Privacy Policy. In the event of a change to this Privacy Policy, Nudefusion will notify customers through methods such as announcements on the Nudefusion website or sending emails.

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